Allah in my heart !

click on image to download big size [...]

Say I seek refuge with the lord of the dawn

Say : I seek refuge with the lord of the dawn from the mischief of created things, from the mischief of darkness as it overspreads, from the... [...]

Muhammad Peace be upon him

Muhammad Peace be upon him [...]

Satan is Everywhere

Satan is Everywhere,Learn to Control ur Nafs..... Satan have exp of hundered years,he can let you fall in wrong acts,Even in Right works....... [...]

He it is created you from clay and then .....

He it is created you from clay, and then decreed a stated term (for you) and there is in his presence another determined term, yet ye doubt... [...]

Say Travel through the earth and see what was the end of those....

Say Travel through the earth and see what was the end of those who rejected Truth.... Quran LiveStock [...]

say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze ...... HIJAB

" Say to the believing man that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them; and A... [...]

When the sun is overthrown.....

when the sun is overthrown, when the star falls,loosing there luster, when the mountain vanish (like a mirage), and when the pregnant she-ca... [...]

Women impure are for men impure and ....


What is the life of this world.....


Muhammad SAW Name in GOLD Shield Wallpaper

Click on above image to download the big picture [...]

New Masjid Nabawi Wallpaper....


Man Praying in Masjid Nabawi !


Masjid Nabawi Evening(Blue) Real View


Minarates of Masjid Nabawi


Muhammad pbuh in Moon




Muhammad pbuh in 3D


3 domes of Al-haram


Those who bow down to Allah


Medina Gate Gold Sheild


Kaaba :: House of Allah  Wallpaper


Muhammad pbuh in blue with rose


Muhammad pbuh sky blue


Trust in Allah but tie your camel


Muhammad pbuh in Every Heart !


Muhammad(pbuh) Written in Blue


He who has no one has Allah


Valentine Heart Reverted to Islamic Heart !

Valentine Heart Reverted to Islamic Heart ! [...]

Muhammad SAW in Orange



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