A Man wants beautiful wife...

A man dreams of a perfect wife. A woman dreams of a perfect husband. But they don't realize that Allah created them to complete one... [...]

Masjid Nabawi Wallpaper


Allah Akbar HD Wallpaper in Silver Style


If in thirst you drink water from a cup


Allah,You are the perfect peace


Say Alhamdulilah


and those who strive in Our (Cause) : Quran 29:69


Prophet Mission :: Islamic Wallpaper


Quran Cover


Muslim : I'm loving Islam : Free IPhone Islamic Wallpaper

New IPhone Wallpapers Available for your iphone Free..Visit  blog to download http://iphoneislamicwallpapers.blogspot.in/ [...]

Allah The One and Only God

  New IPhone Wallpapers Available for your iphone Free..Visit  blog to download http://iphoneislamicwallpapers.blogspot.in/ [...]

Who ever is not kind to younger one


When a Muslim offers his salat


Say he is Allah : The Only and Only


O My Son,Be Good in your speech :: luqmans wisdom


on the day of ressurrection


If Prostrate before Allah




Every day is a new begining


for surely it is not the eyes that are blind


if you want to know which


Never fail to be kind


O Turner of Hearts




Perhaps a sin that humble you


Ya Allah thank u 4 everything

[islam] [image][islamic pictures] [...]

Cover your awrah properly o' muslimah .




Muhammad is the only person in the history

Muhammad is the only person in the history that he can be followed by peoples in everything. [...]

What was mistake of satan ?


Time is runing out

Turn to Allah before its too late [muslim] [Allah] [Turn] [photo] [image] [picture] [wallpaper] [islamic wallpaper] [islam] [late] [...]

If you found dust on your quran

If you found dust on your quran the CRY ! [muslim] [dust] [quran] [photo] [image] [picture] [wallpaper] [islamic wallpaper] [islam] [...]

The life of this world


The only relationship


The lonelyness is...not having Allah


Our lord condemn us not,if we fall in error



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